Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Yarnalong: Strangling Vines Scarf and more

Joining Ginny today at Small Things blog for Yarnalong:

Hmm, all three pictures are of the same scarf but clearly I have some things to learn about my camera. Anyhoo, I finished the Strangling Vines scarf on December 23rd, blocked it at 11pm and gifted it Christmas Eve. Thank goodness for the light yarn that it dried fast! The wool is Woodland by Classic Elite Yarns and is a combination of wool and nettles. My mother in law was the lucky recipient and when I found the wool I knew it was perfect for her. She used to cook up nettles for family dinners which I thought was a bit strange being as how they STING and all. The stinging part goes away when you cook them and what you're left with is spinach-like vegetation that she usually finely chops and mixes into mashed potatoes. I write this having been in this family for 15 years and it is still strange to me!!
3 pairs of these mittens have knit themselves off my needles this holiday. This pair went to my good friend in London, the second pair wound up on my son's hands by request and the third pair is destined for my Etsy shop in the next couple of days. 
I do need your help though, readers. I need a name for these guys. The best I can come up with is sock mittens because they look like an old-fashioned wool work sock and kind of like a sock monkey mitten without, well, the monkey parts. If you have any suggestions or you think "sock mittens" describes them just fine please leave a comment. To sweeten the deal, if your suggestion speaks to me I'll pop a pair in the mail just for you!


  1. The vine scarf you made is beautiful. I love the mittens too; especially the yarn combination you chose. I hope you have a very Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks! The scarf pattern was so easy and I think I'm going to make one for me now. The mittens practically knitted themselves-this must be what an "inspired artist" feels like. You just have to follow your gut.
      Happy New Year to you too :)

  2. Replies
    1. Congrats Kimberley! After trying out your name in my head it's stuck and a pair of sock mitts will be heading your way. You can email me your address and hand measurements to: and I'll get them knitted up and on their way. Many thanks :)

  3. Lovely scarf! Love those mittens! I love Monkeying Around Mitts. Happy New Year!

  4. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the sock mitts! (The name suits, I think. Work socks with thumbs just sounds odd.) Thanks for the tasty dinner too. Did you order the freezing weather so I could properly test drive your knitting creations? They're serving well thus far--no frost-bitten fingers for me! I also dug out a most excellent pair of wool socks that someone lovingly created for me a couple years back. They too have stood up well and are greatly appreciated when out in the cold cruel. Hurray for winter!
